Monday, December 14, 2009

Proust Would Be Proud

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Marcel Proust would be proud: Tall Husband and I made madeleines tonight. He browned the butter as I grated the lemon rind and mixed the batter. We always use Julia Child's recipe...we've tried numerous others but find that nobody does it better than Julia. After baking them in their madeleine pans and sprinkling with powdered sugar, we ate them warm with tea.

Note: This fragrant tea is from Beadboard Upcountry in Brenham, Texas.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Houston, We Have Snow!

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Snow at My Ranchburger

Can you believe it? It's snowing in Houston, Texas! Of course, we know that this doesn't qualify as Snow in more Northern climes but to a Texan this is reason to close schools and hunker down.

So, I'm off to hunker with Tall Husband!